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Teachers and trainers competences profile

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By teachers for teachers – Which competencies are helpful?*


– Self-management: Know your own goals and values, set appropriate priorities, delegate work, know your own limits and set yourself apart accordingly.

– Self-discipline: Being able to familiarize yourself with more complicated AI topics.

Methodological competence:

– Project management: Controlling, planning, implementing and evaluating projects.

– Leadership skills: Guiding and supporting trainees, as well as agreeing on objectives (which should be adapted flexibly).

Social competence:

– Enthusiasm: Being able to inspire the school management and especially the trainees about a project and motivate them to participate.

– Empathy: To be able to empathize with the problems and difficulties of the students* in order to provide support. Patience is particularly important, because this is also a new subject area for the students.

– Ability to work in a team: To work together with students and to cooperate with other people, especially trainers.

Professional competence:

– Have basic knowledge of AI and industrial practice.



*Practical tips from teachers for teachers on how to implement AI projects in vocational schools (collected from the interviews and case studies

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