A report on impact of AI on the areas of the European Reference Framework will be Intellectual Output 1 of the project and is available as download here:

A short executive summary is here: TaccleAI_summary_IO1 (pdf-file)

The full report with the appendix is here: TaccleAI_FullReport_IO1 (pdf-file)

In the context of the DigiCompEdu, this research report seeks to anaylse the impact (positive and negative) of Artificial Intelligence in VET and understand the new role of VET educators in the following years when AI will change learning, teaching, and education. The report will focus in the areas of educator’s pedagogic competences such as the development of digital Open Educational Resources, teaching and learning, assessment and empowering learners.

The report will combine a literature review, desk research and a survey (questionnaires and interviews) in order to identify the impact of AI on pedagogic skills and competences in school and workplace settings. The taxonomy used in DigiCompEdu will be extended in school and workplace settings and the descriptors of the progression model and the CEFR levels will be harmonized with the VET context. The innovation element is the combination of AI and DigiCompEdu for VET teachers, trainers and educators.

The impact of this research report will be significant as the report can be used as reference for the design of professional development programs for VET educators and will contextualise and extend the recently published DigiCompEdu for the VET sector. The transferability potential is high as the same approach can be used for other areas of the framework and other educational sectors such adult and school education.

Dirk Stieglitz
