What impact will AI have on vocational education and training in Europe and what does it mean for teachers and trainers? This research question is being addressed by the Taccle AI project partners from five european countries. How are we approaching this question?

  1. We undertook a literature review.
  2. We interviewed teachers and stakeholders.
  3. We looked for examples of implementation in practice.
  4. We conducted an online survey.

There are basically two ways in which vocational education and training is influenced by artificial intelligence.

1. Through the increased use of AI technologies in industry, business, medicine and other fields. occupations are changing. New tasks are emerging while others are no longer needed. In order to prepare (young) people for this new world of work, AI has to be included in vocational training programmes. We call this impact “preparation for an AI-based working world”.

2. AI as a tool for teaching and learning in vocational education and training. AI technologies can provide new opportunities for adaptive learning content based on student’s needs, new processes for assessment, analysing possible bottlenecks in learners’ domain understanding and improvement in guidance for learners.

In short videos, the project partners present some exciting results from the project work in their countries. AI is still a new area for vocational education and training. But there are already projects being developed. For more information you can have look on our website or contact us.

Dirk Stieglitz
