Smart Factories in vocational schools (Bremen, Germany)

A Smart Factory model was also built at the TBZ Bremen. The project was implemented in cooperation with the Future Workshop of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Bremen. Mechatronics trainees took part.

The Smart Factory plant

The trainees developed a project structure plan for a smart manufacturing plant. This was then implemented in cooperation with the Future Workshop of the Mercedes-Benz plant in Bremen as part of a learning location cooperation. The project resulted in a model of a networked and highly flexible production process consisting of a driverless transport system as an equipment carrier, a collaborative robot for removal and placement and two conveyor belts made of industry-related components.

The basis of this project was a learning and work task that summarized the competencies from the areas of control engineering, robotics and project management as well as their interfaces. Via the learning platform “Itslearning”, the project teams were supported in communicating and connecting the learning locations company, school and home (blended learning).


The pupils were able to acquire both technical and social skills in the project. On the one hand, they dealt with networked production processes and additive manufacturing methods (3D printing). On the other hand, they learned to find their way around in an interdisciplinary way of working in teams. The teacher interviewed reports that such projects should be carried out with all mechatronics classes.

School website with project information [ger]: click here

More information on the project [eng]: download here