Bremen: Cluster for Artificial Intelligence

In the last years, a cluster for artificial intelligence has formed in Bremen under the name Bremen.AI (Bremen AI cluster). Its main objective is to facilitate the exchange between local and regional AI actors and thus to develop an AI ecosystem, which, among other things, should promote the attractiveness of Bremen as a location for business and research in the field of artificial intelligence.

AI-based robotics, deep learning, AI in ethics and society – under these headings, meetups have already taken place or are planned for the future. The audience consists especially of people who are professionally involved with AI or other new technologies. However, some people participate out of private interest and want to form an opinion themselves or to bring their perspective into the discussion.  The Taccle AI project partners from the ITB in Bremen, Germany, also regularly participate in the events of the cluster to get in touch with the different AI actors and discuss current AI topics. The issue of education is hardly ever mentioned in discussions about AI. However, the project partners in Bremen are working to put the topic of AI in (vocational) education on the agenda.

From time to time the project partners in Bremen will take the events of the cluster as an occasion to discuss the topics of the events on the homepage – for example by presenting perspectives from the events.