The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is preparing a global standard-setting recommendation on the ethics of AI and is seeking your input to develop a comprehensive, inclusive and participative text.

On August 11 the Future Society is organising a 2-hours deliberation online workshop (calling it a‘delibinar’!) – on AI & Education on August 11, 2020. They say the workshop will will look into real-life examples and discuss opportunities and risks related to AI & Education. There will also be t the chance to provide feedback to UNESCO on their AI & Education recommendations. Y

Why AI & Education, the organisers ask?

The COVID-19 pandemic offers the chance to reflect on the opportunities and challenges of using AI and digital technologies for education and learning. As a result of new lock-down measures, thousands of classrooms across the world have closed causing millions of children to turn to alternative methods of learning online. Can this sudden shift to online education enable learning at scale and boost the uptake of new technologies? Or does this exacerbate existing social inequalities, leaving behind those who do not have access to technology? The topic of education is increasingly associated with the use of new technologies, such as AI. This is why we will use this topic as a lens through which to assess some of UNESCO’s recommendations.

You can register for the workshop here.