Active Citizens Partnership (ACP)

Active Citizens Partnership is an NGO based in North Eastern Greece and has office in Athens. We have extensive experience to design and support programs that address contemporary training and social needs at national and European level. With the assistance of the State and the European Union have developed measures to prevent and tackle social problems and assist vulnerable groups.

In order to provide a high-quality services develops and operates innovative activities relating to:

  • Studies and research in the field of non-formal education and training
  • Development and implementation of technology enhanced training
  • Greek language program for refugees and immigrants
  • Entrepreneurship counseling and mentoring with special focus on unemployed and women.
  • Psychosocial support and counselling for immigrants, refugees, homeless, long-term unemployed, people with religious or cultural characteristics, etc.
  • Counselling for employees to improve their job conditions
  • Counselling programs for long-term unemployed women and women threatened by unemployment
  • Programs for young people with learning disabilities from minority groups.
  • Training for immigrants, refugees, people with religious and cultural characteristics such as Rom people and Greek Muslims
  • Programs to strengthen the capacity of access to employment for people affected by poverty and
    social exclusion.

ACP has 10 full and part time staff with expertise in research, educational technology, instructional design, eLearning, gamification, counselling, innovation, social integration, rural planning and human resource development. ACP implements projects all over Greece especially in Northeastern Greece and Athens.

Dirk Stieglitz
