Pontydysgu is a research and development organisation based in Wales, Germany and Spain established in 1999, employing 5 people together with fixed contract trainers and researchers as required. Pontydysgu is experienced in the design, development and delivery and support of programmes and courses for teachers and trainers in Technology Enhanced Learning and the development and exploitation of Open Educational Resource. Pontydysgu were coordinators of the Erasmus Plus Taccle 3 project for training teachers in coding and computational thinking and are partners in both Taccle 4 and 5, looking at new models of professional development for teachers in the use of technology for teaching and learning and at the competences of VET teachers in this area.

More recently Pontydysgu has been involved in developing and testing tools for mobile learning. Pontydysgu are coordinators on the Erasmus+ Taccle CPD project and has extensive networks throughout the world in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning and Open Educational Resources. Pontydysgu have acted as consultants on the Open Educational Resources to OECD and are evaluators of the UNESCO work in ICT in education, as well as participating in European and national projects and networks in this area. Pontydysgu has also broad experience in the use of ICT for developing and supporting on-line communities based on the development and use of on-line tools for the training of teachers and trainers.

Pontydysgu support the technical development of the UK Department for Education funded LMI for All  Labour Market Information and careers advice project.

Dirk Stieglitz
