There is an urgent need to equip young people with knowledge of AI in order to be better able to operate in the future world of work. In order to prepare young people for this task, further training of teachers and trainers is essential in order to be able to initiate new teaching/learning arrangements.

There will be four major groups of products designed to achieve these results

The first is a report on impact of AI on competences for VET teachers and trainers, as specified in the European Reference Framework, DigiCompEdu. The report will analyse the impact (positive and negative) of Artificial Intelligence in VET, the impact of Al in changing learning and teaching, and the new role of VET educators, especially focusing on pedagogic competences including the development of digital Open Educational Resources, teaching and learning practices, and assessing and empowering learners.

An outcome will be proposals for the extension of the DigiCompEdu Framework in VET school and workplace settings. The report can be used as a reference for the design of professional development programmes for VET teachers and trainers.

The second group of results will be the development of a Toolkit for VET teachers and trainers. The toolkit will provide the theoretical and practical information needed by VET teachers and trainers to understand Artificial Intelligence, the changes in skill and competence demands in different occupations and the impact of AI in working and social life, teaching and learning. It will also provide information and resources about further professional development, skills recognition relevant to AI and digital pedagogy. The toolkit will be published as an interactive online resource.

The third group of results will be the development and implementation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in English and German for VET teachers and trainers and VET education providers, providing a practical grounding in AI and its applications in VET, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence they need to help them transform their VET provision into innovative education of the future. The format of the course will allow for flexibility in starting and ending times and in the content each participant wishes to cover.

The fourth group of results will be recommendations for organisations involved in VET teacher development and training, including policy makers, VET teaching and training organisations and VET institutions. These will take into account particular areas of concern for the safe and beneficial development of AI, both in the short- and longer term. Each topic will be described in brief and followed by examples of existing policy principles as well as links to additional resources. Addressing these topics should be a priority for VET educators and organisations involved in VET teacher development and training. The topics covered in the report will address overarching AI policy concerns that cut across multiple sectors, industries and use cases.Topics covered will include: Economic Impacts, Labor Shifts, Inequality, and Technological Unemployment, Fairness, Ethics, and Human Rights, Human Dignity, Autonomy, and Psychological Impact, AI Safety, Accountability, Transparency, and Explainability, Privacy, and Civil Liberties.

All products will be available under open licenses. They are expected to have major impact after the project in both informing and guiding policies and practices for training VET teachers and trainers in the implementation and use of AI for teaching and learning and the integration of AI within VET curricula in different subjects.

Dirk Stieglitz
