AI Pioneers: Teachers and Trainers working with Technology to Transform Education and Training

This morning Graham Attwell, Angela Karadog and Dirk Stieglitz made a presentation on AI and Education at the International Conference on New Technologies and Education organised by Basque University. The title of the panel was AI Pioneers: Teachers and Trainers working with Technology to Transform Education and Training. I started the session with a short presentation, introducing the forthcoming AI pioneers Large scale Erasmus+ project, building on the work undertaken through the Erasmus+ AI and Vocational Education and Training and AI@School projects. The aim of the presentation, which drew on topics for the 2023 AIED Conference, was to stimulate questions and contributions from the participants. And although nervous at the silence that sometimes happens in sessions like this, we had prepared question in advance (drawn from the the AI@School MOOC), we had no such need. There was a great discussion including questions on whether AI would replace school teachers, what skills teachers had which AI did not, and whether access to AI enhanced education could and would be extended to those with present poor access to education. Perhaps the most interesting discussion was around what impact AI would have on humanities subjects, including philosophy and art.

I will post an extended audio version of the panel session (which took place in the WebEX platform) when the video and audio version is processed.

NB Unlike the usual practice of launching a new website for new projects, for AI pioneers we are instead building on the existing Taccle AI website.