Council of Europe roadmap for Responsible AI in Education

Council of Europe Consilium

This week has seen extensive press coverage of the AI summit held in Paris with attendees from 60 countries. Despite the noise, not much seems to have happened. The summit revealed disagreements over regulation, particularly between the USA where the tech companies are lobbying to have none or the minimum regulation and Europe which is continuing to develop a regulatory framework.

The issue of regulation is important for AI in Education and the Council of Europe has published a roadmap for for Responsible AI in Education.

✅ 2025: European Year of Education for Digital Citizenship – Raising awareness & strengthening AI culture in education.
✅ 2025: Recommendation on AI in Teaching & Learning – A framework for responsibly integrating AI literacy into education.
✅ 2026: Common Repository for AI Evaluation – Assessing AI’s effectiveness and pedagogical value.
✅ 2026: Legal Instrument on AI in Education – Establishing rules to protect the integrity of education.
✅ 2027: White Paper on the future of the teaching profession in the Digital Age – Supporting and valuing educators in an AI-driven world

They say that through collaboration with policymakers, educators, and the EdTech community, they aim to shape an ethical, inclusive, and democratic digital future.