Artificial Intelligence and Educational Inclusion
On May 6, Graham Attwell and Angela Karadog from Pontydysgu, together with our colleague George Bekiaridis from ACP in Athens, are taking part in a panel session at the CIISE International Congress on Social and Educational Inclusion at The University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain.
The panel is being organised through the AI@School project, funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme with the theme of Artificial Intelligence and Educational Inclusion. UNESCO are promoting the use of AI in education, seeing it as a key technology for attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals in making education available to all young people. Yet there remain persistent concerns over the ethics of AI and the growing commercialisation of education through educational technology.
The panel session will be streamed and you are all welcome to attend. But even more, please ask the panel your questions around inclusion and AI. We will be taking questions on the day. But we are also gathering questions in advance on a Google page. Just add your questions to the list. Ad if you would like us to name check you, add your name and where you are from.