Over the years education and training has developed a vocabulary of its own. And I remember some years ago when I was doing a training the trainers course, we had long debates about the meaning of terms like curriculum and pedagogy and even assessment.
So it is not surprising that adding Artificial Intelligence into the mix, makes things pretty tricky. So much so, that the UK Jisc National Centre for AI has undertaken to develop a glossary of terms association with AI in educational technology. Jisc say "Like any field, AI is full of specialist terms. There are quite a few glossaries of AI terms available, but we think it might be useful to create one focused on AI in educational technology – including ed tech specific terms, putting terms in context, and linking to examples."
They provide examples from Wikipedia, Nesta, The Turing Centre and the UK's Information Commissioner Office. And they go on to provide the first draft of their glossary aimed at AI in Ed Tech. "It’s not intended to be a definitive list at this point, but more as a starting point to get feedback on whether this approach looks useful." Looks useful to me, if only to save us time producing glossaries for various AI and ed-tech publications and web resources.