Exploring the future of learning and the relationship between human intelligence and AI

Jazmin Morris & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / Braided Networks 1 / CC-BY 4.0

I don't normally post links to long videos on this site. But this interview with Mike Paul with Rose Luckin entitled 'Exploring the future of learning and the relationship between human intelligence and AI – An interview with Professor Rose Luckin' is well worth taking some time to watch in full. Professor Rose Luckin is a pioneer in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with education, and she shares insights on the ethical dimensions of AI deployment in education, emphasizing the importance of ethical AI and its potential to support learner-centered methodologies. She discusses the challenges and opportunities generative AI presents in assessment, learning, and teaching, highlighting the need for robust partnerships between educators and technology developers.

She explores what is human intelligence and what is machine intelligence?

She look at three contexts for AI in education.

The first is AI as tool in teaching and learning, which at the moment mainly focuses on adaptability but which is rapidly extending.

The second is the need to educate people about AI. People, she says need to understand AI and how to live and work alongside AI, how AI can help them and how to keep safe.

The third is the implications for education systems - how is AI changing the skills people need in different occupations and- are education systems optimal for the world we are living in with AI.

She points to the importance of Meta cognition and asks do we do enough for people for changes in the workplace. She suggest we need to adapt education and training systems for life where AI is all around us.

Advancing theory in the age of artificial intelligence

The British Journal of Educational Technology (BEJET) has published a special section around Ai in education entitled 'Advancing theory in the age of artificial intelligence'.

In the introduction of the same name (and which is free to access) the authors, Shane Dawson, Srecko Joksimovic, Caitlin Mills, Dragan Gašević, and George Siemens. "To address the need of effective deployment of AI systems in education", they say, "a theoretical lens is required to guide and direct both research and practice. Theory provides the guard rails to ensure that principles, values and trusted constructs shape the use of AI in educational settings, ensuring that values, existing research, concerns of multiple stakeholders and on-going contributions to science remain centre stage."

They go on to explain that "the papers in this special section argue for the criticality of theory in the design, development and deployment of AI in education. In so doing, we question the continued relevance and value of existing theories of learning when AI becomes prominent in classrooms. We call for new frameworks, models and ways of thinking; ones that include the presence of non- human agents that are more like an active partner than a simple technology, resulting in important questions about revising existing team-based and collaborative theories of learning."

There looks like much of value in this special section, although it is a pity that only the introduction is accessible for free. From looking at the index it seems like a lot of attention is being paid. to research from Learning Analytics. And once more the research seems to be based on higher education. I wonder if the new learning theories they are looking for may be based in vocational educational practice particularly at the intersection between knowledge and practice.