AI Governance

Open consultation on regulatory approaches for AI 

Following extensive expert consultations and discussions with parliamentarians, UNESCO have released a consultation paper in English for public consultation on AI governance.. 

UNESCO encourages stakeholders, including parliamentarians, legal experts, AI governance experts and the public, to review, and provide feedback on the different regulatory approaches for AI. You can read the consultation paper here

The Consultation Paper on AI Regulation is part of a broader effort by UNESCO, Inter-Parliamentary Union and Internet Governance Forum’s Parliamentary Track to engage parliamentarians globally and enhance their capacities in evidence-based policy making for AI.

The Paper has been developed through:

  • Literature review on AI regulation in different parts of the world.
  • A discussion on “The impact of AI on democracy, human rights and the rule of law” with parliamentarians from around the world at the IPU Assembly in Geneva, 23-27 March 2024.
  • Capacity building workshop co-designed and co-facilitated by UNESCO on 25 March 2024 at the IPU in Geneva and three webinars on the subject that were organized by IPU, UNESCO and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) for parliamentarians to inform the development of the discussion paper.
  • Discussion with Members of Parliament at the Regional Summit of Parliamentarians on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America held in Buenos Aires on 13 and 14 June 2024. 

The deadline for comments is 19 September, 2024.

AI Governance

Open consultation on regulatory approaches for AI 

Following extensive expert consultations and discussions with parliamentarians, UNESCO have released a consultation paper in English for public consultation on AI governance.. 

UNESCO encourages stakeholders, including parliamentarians, legal experts, AI governance experts and the public, to review, and provide feedback on the different regulatory approaches for AI. You can read the consultation paper here

The Consultation Paper on AI Regulation is part of a broader effort by UNESCO, Inter-Parliamentary Union and Internet Governance Forum’s Parliamentary Track to engage parliamentarians globally and enhance their capacities in evidence-based policy making for AI.

The Paper has been developed through:

  • Literature review on AI regulation in different parts of the world.
  • A discussion on “The impact of AI on democracy, human rights and the rule of law” with parliamentarians from around the world at the IPU Assembly in Geneva, 23-27 March 2024.
  • Capacity building workshop co-designed and co-facilitated by UNESCO on 25 March 2024 at the IPU in Geneva and three webinars on the subject that were organized by IPU, UNESCO and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) for parliamentarians to inform the development of the discussion paper.
  • Discussion with Members of Parliament at the Regional Summit of Parliamentarians on Artificial Intelligence in Latin America held in Buenos Aires on 13 and 14 June 2024. 

The deadline for comments is 19 September, 2024.

LLMs are a cultural technology

Yutong Liu & Kingston School of Art / Better Images of AI / Exploring AI / CC-BY 4.0

John Naughton writing in the Guardian says:

Assessment in humanities in time of LLMs requires, "if not a change of heart, two changes of mindset.

The first is an acceptance that LLMs – as the distinguished Berkeley psychologist Alison Gopnik puts it – are “cultural technologies”, like writing, print, libraries and internet search. In other words, they are tools for human augmentation, not replacement.

Second, and more importantly perhaps, is a need to reinforce in students’ minds the importance of writing as a process."

Edtech: Disruption or incremental change?

Yutong Liu & Kingston School of Art / Better Images of AI / Talking to AI / CC-BY 4.0

Technology evangelists and the big tech providers have long dreamed of disrupting education. That despite all the changes brought about by technology most education remains organised by institutions, many funded by the public sector is a source of frustration to the. One of the most prominent of teh change advocates is Salman Khan. Founder of the Salmon Academy, which boomed during the COVID 19 lock downs and advocate of video lessons and flipped learning, Salmon Khan was in London last week to publicize his new book, Brave New Words: how AI will revolutionise education (and why that’s a good thing), and while there he was interviewed for an article in the Times Education Supplement.

As Dan Meyer says in his newsletter Mathworlds, his remarks indicate "the edtech industry is starting to realize that the possibility of revolutionary impact with generative AI is small and the possibility of any impact will require them to operate as partners with institutions that many of them have disregarded."

Meyer points out that despite all the rhetoric "in reality Khan Academy has not transformed teaching like Khan hoped it might. In the US, as in the UK, students still typically sit at desks while a teacher delivers a lecture-style presentation, and then they complete tasks based on what they have learned." And Khan seems to agree. "“If you walk into a random classroom, for the most part it seems pretty similar to what we used to see,” he says. “If you asked me 10 years ago, I would have hoped… I mean, I’ve given TED Talks saying you shouldn’t need to give lectures any more, and everyone should be able to go at their own pace.”

And this raises the question of why the Khan Academy Hasn't ushered in a new era of education?

Well, the platform is designed to help students who are “trying to get through the [public school] system”, Khan says. “Either we support them in moments where they have a gap or we are used more systematically by their teacher, by their school, to improve the learning that goes on.”

And the public school system is far bigger than Khan Academy, he says.

The academy “needs to be pretty well integrated with the formal systems for it to have the maximum impact. That’s the journey that will keep us busy for decades to come”, its founder says.

It seems increasingly unlikely that AI alone is going to revolutionise education this t9ime round.

GenAI and Assessment

As a recent publication from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya points out, Artificial Intelligence remains an opportunity (or an excuse) to transform assessment, curriculum, teaching, personalization and teaching competencies. This is especially so in relation to assessment with widespread concern in the academic world about the near impossibility of detecting whether or not a student has used generative AI in an assignment.

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya article explores the potential of continuous assessment aimed at self-regulation of learning. It suggests changing the assessment approach, moving from criteria focused on the assessment of the result to criteria focused on the process of development of the activity by the students.

    Furthermore it advocates designing continuous assessment activities as part of the same learning sequence, with relationships of dependency and complementarity, instead of discrete tests and focusing the activities on the development of competencies and the assessment of progress and reflection on the learning process of each student.

    Leon Furze is a prolific contributor to LinkedIn and describes his work as "Guiding educators through the practical and ethical implications of GenAI. Consultant & Author | PhD Candidate."

    Witting from the perspective of education in Australia he says:

    When it comes to GenAI, much of the conversation in education has been focused on academic achievement, perceived threats to academic integrity, and the risk that this technology poses to written assessments. I think that vocational education actually offers some fantastic alternative forms of assessment which are less vulnerable to generative artificial intelligence. If you’re not familiar with vocational education, assessments are often incredibly rigorous, sometimes to the point where the paperwork on evaluation and assessment is significantly longer than the assessment itself.

    Vocational training, by nature, is practical and geared around skills which are needed for the particular job role or discipline being studied. Mainstream education, by contrast, is focused predominately on subjects and content.

    Furze provides examples of different types of assessment in vocational educati9n and training:

    • Observation checklists
    • Role plays
    • Scenarios
    • Workplace activities
    • Reports from employers

    He has prublished a free 60 page ebook - Rethinking Assessment for GenAI which he says covers everything from ways to update assessments, to the reasons I advise against AI detection tools.