Edtech: Disruption or incremental change?

Yutong Liu & Kingston School of Art / Better Images of AI / Talking to AI / CC-BY 4.0

Technology evangelists and the big tech providers have long dreamed of disrupting education. That despite all the changes brought about by technology most education remains organised by institutions, many funded by the public sector is a source of frustration to the. One of the most prominent of teh change advocates is Salman Khan. Founder of the Salmon Academy, which boomed during the COVID 19 lock downs and advocate of video lessons and flipped learning, Salmon Khan was in London last week to publicize his new book, Brave New Words: how AI will revolutionise education (and why that’s a good thing), and while there he was interviewed for an article in the Times Education Supplement.

As Dan Meyer says in his newsletter Mathworlds, his remarks indicate "the edtech industry is starting to realize that the possibility of revolutionary impact with generative AI is small and the possibility of any impact will require them to operate as partners with institutions that many of them have disregarded."

Meyer points out that despite all the rhetoric "in reality Khan Academy has not transformed teaching like Khan hoped it might. In the US, as in the UK, students still typically sit at desks while a teacher delivers a lecture-style presentation, and then they complete tasks based on what they have learned." And Khan seems to agree. "“If you walk into a random classroom, for the most part it seems pretty similar to what we used to see,” he says. “If you asked me 10 years ago, I would have hoped… I mean, I’ve given TED Talks saying you shouldn’t need to give lectures any more, and everyone should be able to go at their own pace.”

And this raises the question of why the Khan Academy Hasn't ushered in a new era of education?

Well, the platform is designed to help students who are “trying to get through the [public school] system”, Khan says. “Either we support them in moments where they have a gap or we are used more systematically by their teacher, by their school, to improve the learning that goes on.”

And the public school system is far bigger than Khan Academy, he says.

The academy “needs to be pretty well integrated with the formal systems for it to have the maximum impact. That’s the journey that will keep us busy for decades to come”, its founder says.

It seems increasingly unlikely that AI alone is going to revolutionise education this t9ime round.

Digital Literacy And AI

I've been thinking about what the arrival of Generative AI means for digital literacy. And I searched to find some older publications from the UK Jisc on Digital Literacies. Most have been archived but it is possible to access them on a single web page or to use the WayBack Machine to see the original publication format. One of the publications looked at was 'Digital Literacies: Provides ideas and resources to inspire the strategic development of digital literacies - those capabilities which support living, learning and working in a digital society.' It was originally published in 2014 and was written - if my memory serves me well, by Helen Beetham and Rhona Sharp (sadly Jisc don't give the authors). The section which most interested me was about change management. It is interesting to see the kind of issues at the fore in 2014 - for instance should universities be supporting students own machines including mobile phones. It seems that AI is posing much the same questions for change management in universities today: The change management detailed guide looks at culture and approaches to change in detail but here are some key messages from the existing digital literacy initiatives: The change management detailed guide looks at culture and approaches to change in detail but here are some key messages from the existing digital literacy initiatives:
  • Invest in partnership approaches which engage staff, students and other stakeholders across the institution – students as change agents are particularly effective
  • Create opportunities for conversation and development through workshops, events and other development opportunities
  • Work digital literacies into other change agendas is more effective than pursuing a consensus through more isolated initiatives
  • Understand what influences and motivates different groups ie forms of communication, reward and recognition etc
  • Know your audience and always talk about digital literacy in context ie what it means to different subject disciplines, professional roles etc
  • Enable communities of practice or peer networks to develop and encourage links across departments and roles while maintaining a strategic overview
  • Provide seed funding for mini projects
I think this is a good list of key messages for AI for educational institutions and educational management.

Data governance, management and infrastructure

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The big ed-tech news this week is the merger of Anthology, an educational management company, with Blackboard who produce learning technology. But as Stephen Downes said "It's funny, though - the more these companies grow and the wider their enterprise capabilities become, the less relevant they feel, to me at least, to educational technology and online learning."

And there is a revealing quote in an Inside Higher Ed article about the merger. They quote Bill Bauhaus, Blackboards chairman, CEO and president as saying the power of the combined company will flow from its ability to bring data from across the student life cycle to bear on student and institutional performance. "We're on the cusp of breaking down the data silos: that often exist between administrative and academic departments on campuses, Bauhaus said.

So is the new company really about educational technology or is it in reality a data company. And this raises many questions about who owns student data, data privacy and how institutions manage data. A new UK Open Data Institute (ODI) Fellow Report: Data governance for online learning by Janis Wong explores the data governance considerations when working with online learning data, looking at how educational institutions should rethink how they can better manage, protect and govern online learning data and personal data.

In a summary of the report, the ODI say:

The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the adoption of technology in education by higher education institutions in the UK. Although students are expected to return to in-person classes, online learning and the digitisation of the academic experience are here to stay. This includes the increased gathering, use and processing of digital data.

They go on to conclude:

Within online and hybrid learning, university management needs to consider how different forms of online learning data should be governed, from research data to teaching data to administration and the data processed by external platforms.

Online and hybrid learning needs to be inclusive and institutions have to address the benefits to, and concerns of, students and staff as the largest groups of stakeholders in delivering secure and safe academic experiences. This includes deciding what education technology platforms should be used to deliver, record and store online learning content, by comparing the merits of improving user experience against potential risks to vast data collection by third parties.

Online learning data governance needs to be considered holistically, with an understanding of how different stakeholders interact with each other’s data to create innovative, digital means of learning. When innovating for better online learning practices, institutions need to balance education innovation with the protection of student and staff personal data through data governance, management and infrastructure strategies.

The full report is available from the ODI web site.

Online Recruitment and the Digital Divide

Job Interview, Woman, Female, JobThere's an interesting article today in WONKHE, the UK online higher education newspaper. Clare Adams in an article entitled "Digital capital is a whole-system issue – building it takes more than hardware", says universities must confront the scale and impact of the digital divide in ways they have not had to do before.

She proposes building on the six key elements of “digital access” including infrastructure, connectivity, expert instruction and a quiet place to study, as well as the requisite hardware and software, identified by the recent Gravity Assist report on digital learning and teaching.

And although hardware and software are onbioulsy important, she says that research and "reflection on the employer response to the opportunities presented by digital recruitment, finds that technology, which ought to be a huge leveller in terms of creating new pathways into employment and connections with employers for graduating students, is not delivering on its promise."

She says that this "research suggests that inclusion is very much a mindset, not a toolkit. We recommend that students be supported to access the technology they need – and while laptops may be in scarce supply in some households, 98 per cent of people aged 16-24 have access to a mobile device, which indicates the importance of mobile-enabled technologies."

The main proposal is recognising "the importance of developing digital capital – competence and confidence in using, not just recruitment tools, but social networking sites, knowing what to say to make a connection with an employer and online interview and assessment centre hygiene and etiquette – an area where careers services can certainly play a useful role."

"But the capitals lens also suggests measures to boost students’ digital access and competence can only ever chip away at entrenched inequalities.| But with this in mind they they recommend that "employers consider a more proactive approach to recruitment using technology to cast their net  connect with possible recruits, and "actively scrutinising whether established recruitment practices are inadvertently excluding potentially great candidates from consideration."

With davancing technology and the Covid 19 pandemic there is a growing trend towards online interviews. But unless active steps are taken this trend might only deepen teh digital divide rather than realising the potential of digital technology to deliver diverse and dynamic graduate recruitment.

Keynote presentations released as Open Educational Resources

Tony Bates has released a series of five 40-50 minute keynotes which an be downloaded without cost from the Commonwealth of Learning’s online institutional repository for learning resources and publications, OAsis, under a Creative Commons license. The subjects of the keynotes are:

  1. Developing quality blended learning courses
  2. Digital learning and the new economy
  3. New technologies and their potential and limitations for teaching and learning
  4. Ten lessons for online learning from the Covid-19 experience (based on research findings)
  5. Online learning in the (k-12) school sector

The intention is that these can be streamed during virtual conferences, included in education and training programs, or watched individually. As James Clay says on Twitter: "I think this is an interesting concept for future online events. However there is a difference between YouTube or Netflix and an online conference. How do you add value to an event so that it is more than just streamed video?"

I went to a couple of events last week that were trying different formats. One was a professorial inaugural lecture by Bob Harrison who, it seems insisted on prerecording his presentation so he could actively participate in the accompanying chat. The other was the OECD conference on AI and the Future of Work, where the real value was not presentations as such but great (and well prepared moderation of panels of speakers, with limited opportunities for particpant questioning.

However, coming back to Tony Bates's video keynotes, the real value I see with these is with remixing. They are released under a Creative Commons attribution, share alike license which means they are free to remix. This allows using (in my case short) clips from the video in Open Educational Resources for a MOOC we are developing on AI for vocational teachers and trainers and part of the taccle AI project. I'm going to have a go this afternoon.